Wednesday, February 17, 2010

A Great Home Cooked Meal

The North and South have always had their differences. Beginning before the civil war, and still today, the stereotypes of the two can be quite ridiculous. Northerners are thought of as more rude, stuck up and better educated than Southerners. While Southerners are seen as slow, big hearted, people who eat fried food all the time. When Northerners look at the South, they see people like Shelly, the woman in this everything southern video:

In this video, Shelly is teaching her audience the way to a man's heart. She claims that by making good food that men cannot resist, you can get away with just about anything. She states that this is the game that southern women understand and know how to play. Women in the North are thought of as more independent and able to fend for themselves, less dependent on things and other people, especially their husbands. This video shows why there is a common stereotype of southerners. It claims that women are constantly making good food for their husbands to get away with either spending too much money or some other thing. The main stereotype between the North and the South here is that women have a difference outlook on the way they view men. Southern women need their husbands and Northern women feel that they don't need men in their lives, it is just an asset that they like to keep around. Although this stereotype may not be entirely true, it is a common difference associated with women in the North and South. There seems to be a higher standard set by Northerners, to be accomplished, work at a a nice job, and make a lot of money. Whereas in the South, people do what they please and seem to do it out of enjoyment.

Essentially in the South, give a man a great home cooked meal, and everything else will seem so much less important to him. A good lesson learned, taught by the original southern housewife.

1 comment:

  1. So, Hannah: do you believe this? Take a more critical stance!
